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Materiali Biomedicali

Aree di ricerca

The INNOVATION Lab performs comprehensive biological evaluations of biomaterials investigated for bone, cartilage, periodontal ligament, mucosa, skin and myocardial regeneration. We equitably use various cell lines and bacteria, alone or together, in 2D as well as in 3D to perform a wide range of biological tests, including viability tests, cytotoxicity tests, fluorescent staining, and advanced microscopy techniques provided by confocal and scanning electron microscope. We also upscale the lab work in order to replicate the physiological environment that is dynamic and not static (due to the continuous supply of nutrients and removal of metabolic waste by-products, and physiological loading) by using bioreactors. We are expert in develop and evaluate technology able to counteract bacterial infections and while regeneration tissues. The group has recently open new research lines focused on mathematical simulation of the biomedical phenomena. We collaborate with other groups for a panomics approach study the genome, proteome, transcriptome, and microbiome, which helps us better understand the relationship between the biomaterials and the biological systems.

Pubblicazioni selezionate

1. Cochis, A. et al. "The effect of silver or gallium doped titanium against the multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii." Biomaterials80 (2016): 80-95.

2. Rivera, LR. et al. "Antibacterial, pro-angiogenic and pro-osteointegrative zein-bioactive glass/copper based coatings for implantable stainless steel aimed at bone healing." Bioactive materials 6.5 (2021): 1479-1490.

3. Bonifacio, MA. et al. "Antibacterial effectiveness meets improved mechanical properties: Manuka honey/gellan gum composite hydrogels for cartilage repair." Carbohydrate polymers 198 (2018): 462-472.

4. Sharifikolouei, E. et al. "Generation of cytocompatible superhydrophobic Zr–Cu–Ag metallic glass coatings with antifouling properties for medical textiles." Materials Today Bio 12 (2021): 100148.

5. Cochis, A. et al. "Bioreactor mechanically guided 3D mesenchymal stem cell chondrogenesis using a biocompatible novel thermo-reversible methylcellulose-based hydrogel." Scientific Reports 7.1 (2017): 45018.



Aalto University Foundation (AALTO, www.aalto.fi); The AO Foundation (AO, www.aofoundation.org); Riga Technical University (RTU, www.rtu.lv/en); The Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade (UOB, www.tmf.bg.ac.rs); Instituto Nacional de Engenharia Biomédica (INEB, www.ineb.up.pt); Politecnico of Torino (POLITO, www.polito.it); EnginSoft S.p.A. (ES, www.enginsoft.it); Tampere University (TAU,www.tuni.fi); The National University of Ireland Galway (NUI, www.nuigalway.ie); Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; Lithaunian University of Health Sciences (https://lsmu.lt/en/); Politecnico di Milano; Università di Bari; Newcastle University (https://www.ncl.ac.uk/).

Finanziamenti (ultimi 5 anni)

National funding:

1. Progetti di Ricerca d'Interesse Nazionale (PRIN), Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca - By-PROducts based innovative TEchnologies for green and low Cost acTivE wounD dressings – PROTECTED. (ID: P2022XT785, Euro: 279483).

2. Progetti di Ricerca d'Interesse Nazionale (PRIN), Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca - Knowledge-generation framework combining a novel Biomimetic Investigation platform and hiGh throughput screening for unravelling bone MECHanotransduction mechanisms in view of precision orthopedic medicine – BIGMEC. (ID: 20222F7M2A, Euro: 197456).

International funding:

1. EU M-ERA.NET - Engineering and functionalization of delivery system with Pelargonium sidoides biologically active substance on periodontal inflamed surface area – PELARGODONT. (ID: 4048, Euro: 200000,00).

2. EU H2020 User-centred smart nanobiomaterial-based 3D matrices for chondral repair – RESTORE. (ID: 814558, Euro: 5539736,25).

3. EU H2020 From pathobioLogy to synoviA on chip: driving rheuMatoId arthritis to the precisioN medicine Goal - FLAMIN-GO. (ID:953121, Euro: 5821613,75).

4. EU H2020 Smart and multiFunctional 3D printable prO-Regenerative biologiCal matrix modulating mEchanotRansduction as advancEd theraPy to treAt skIn chRonic wounds - FORCE REPAIR. (ID: 101092243, Euro: 5083466,25).

5. EU H2020 Precision medicine for muscoloskeletal regeneration, prosthetics and active ageing – PREMUROSA. (ID: 860462, Euro: 3348405,36).

6. EU H2020 Twinning to excel materials engineering for medical devices – ExcellMater. (ID: 952033, Euro: 884225,00).

7. EU H2020 End-to-end multidisciplinary optimal design for improved personalized bioactive glass/ceramic bone substitute implants – REBONE. (ID: 101119884, Euro: 2512687,80).

8. EU H2020 Bacteria Biofilm as bio-factory for tissue regeneration – BIOACTION. (ID: 101098972, Euro: 2903862,50).

Third parties:

The group has been financially supported for Industrial research by several International and National Companies leaders in the Orthopedics field such as CeramTec (https://www.ceramtec-group.com/en/) and Medacta International (https://www.medacta.com/).



Prof.ssa Lia Rimondini, Head of the Lab, Responsible of the Research group

Prof. Andrea Cochis, Responsible of the Research group

Dr. Ziba Najmi, Post-Doc Fellow

Dr. Alessandro Calogero Scalia, Post-doc Fellow

Dr. Mauro Nascimben, Post-doc Post-doc Fellow

Dr. Ajay Kumar Reddy, PhD Student

Dr. Ksenia Menshikh, PhD Student

Dr. Farah Daou, PhD Student


Ultima modifica 7 Dicembre 2023